Saturday, July 25, 2009


Teacher-Librarian leadership is central to ETL504. Both Fullan (2004) and Donham (2005) look at the topic of effective leadership. As cited in Donham (2005, p.295-296), Bennis (1999) identifies 5 leadership characteristics:
  • technical competence
  • conceptual skill
  • people skills
  • judgement
  • character
Central to these leadership qualities is the necessity of a vision for the Library to align the expectations of the school community and curriculum initiatives.

Fullan (2004) focuses specifically on Change Leadership -
effective leadership in times of change - and outlines 5 components of leadership (p. 3-5):
  • moral purpose
  • understanding change
  • building relationships
  • creating and sharing knowledge
  • making coherence
Such qualities are imperative to effectively managing the dynamic changes bombarding quality educational initiatives. Preparing TLs for leadership also begs the question to the understandings school Principals have in dynamic leadership in these everchanging times. Do they understand leadership or management? Do they really understand the powerful impact TLs and other staff can have in the school and how to harness it? I also see our TL leadership role impacting on our administrative leaders as they too grapple with the pace of change.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Super Mum!

The juggling act of aiming to achieve work-life balance is topical in today's technologically enhanced society. I question whether we actually achieve this on a consistent basis, particularly when you throw studying externally through distance education into the mix of a complex work-family balance.

Continual professional learning is necessary in the realm of education, and as Fullan (2004) states in an effort to Understand Change. TLs today are leaders in the everchanging dynamics of education particularly when technology impacts so significantly. Technology is a key component of today's TLs job description, one that continues us on a dynamic learning journey.

So, the juggling act of Supermum actually requires us to become proactive leaders and managers of change in our own lives as we too become Leaders in a Culture of Change (Fullan, 2004).